Sunday, December 29, 2002

it's been a while since I posted anything of substance, but tonight's the night!

We had our big layoff the week before Thanksgiving and I was not a victim. I swear, I feel bulletproof. Now watch, because i've written that I'll be next in line. The other interesting rumor is that another reorganization is in the works. This one will supposedly put everything back as it was in 2001. Sigh. This is OK for me; it means my boss is back in San Diego, instead of in Horsham.

Christmas was nice; the house looks great and I had a good time with my brother and sister-in-law as well as my folks.

I've updated the web site with the latest trip adventures: Rome, October, 2002.

I couldn't get up to Tahoe for New year's because Southwest was sold out and American had lousy prices and lousier itineraries. So I've been invited to a neighborhood party for New Years and then I have 3 Sunday nights in row in January: GD employee party, Curtis' graduation party and then Michael Miller's CD release party, assuming he's doing one and I'm invited. I decided to learn a few tunes for New eyars so i can play a little music with Bob, the host and former guitarist. We'll see if we're up to the task.

And speaking of playing, I haven't been! Dammit! This Friday night for sure!!

Sunday, December 8, 2002

It was the neighborhood Christmas arty night last night. It was fine - not nearly enough bad behaviour last night as in the previous one.

We ended up playing poker again and I think I came out ahead. it's tough to tell since I don't count my initial pot.

I sanded and painted the crown moulding today an tomorrow I'll caulk it. It looks *OK* but I am never 100% happy with it. I have two new ukiyo-e prints to hang up as well. Maybe I'll do that right now...

Monday, November 18, 2002

Got me some DSL broadband, baby!

Saturday, November 16, 2002

Back from Rome and with a lot of photos and some good memories, except I left my car keys in the hotel room the morning I left, which of course meant I had no way to get home from LAX. I had to call my folks and they picked me up. Very embarassing for me.

The Friday of the week I returned I was told that the company wanted us to play the Christmas Party, but we ultimately declined because I 1) am sick of those same 10 frickin' songs (well a few of them anyway), 2) we don't have time to really work aon any more (the married guys can't rehearse 2 or 3 times a week, which is what it would take) and finally 3) we're having a big layoff and I am not interested in doing all this work just to get the pink slip a week or two before the event.

I discovered what I believe to be all the errors in the first book and have corrected them. I am writing a section on the Palatine Hill and have included some new photos. Ancient Rome Second Edition should be ready to go in a few weeks. Early Christian Rome should be good to go in a few months, hopefully.

Friday, November 1, 2002

Quick note from The Eternal City. It's raining cats and dogs today so I decided to catch up on my email and surf a little bit.

The hotel is OK. I have had some funny interchanges with the front desk guy that I will detail later, but siffice it to say he knows I am a travel book writer now and has an autographed copy of Ancient Rome. First edition, too, which is of course the most valuable. :-) There is a nice beer bar down the street about 50 meters that has a combo American/English/Irish feel to it and a similar menu. I go in there nearly every day.

I've been lugging the huge camera bag around every day, loaded with the SLR (with lenses, motordrive, big flash unit) the DV cam, the pocket 35 mm and the GPS receiver. Add a few cans of film, a few DV cassettes and the thing is a monster.

Had some fun nights with everyone, including a great pizza night with the old gang and a nice day with Bruna in Spoleto and a nice walk with Laura on the Appia Antica.

More later.


Friday, October 18, 2002

So we played our "big gig" Wednesday night. It was the annual "booze cruise" that is an event that occurs in tandem with a "Users Conference" that's held at a bayside hotel on Coronado Island.

We set up on the top deck of the boat with the idea that if we sucked then people could escape back down to the lower decks and no harm done.

We had the majority of the attendees on the deck with us and they stayed for the entire hour+ set, so I guess we didn't suck. My comedy MC skills were in full flower and I had the crowd laughing quite a bit. It was freezing and drizzly up there for a while, but we blasted through "Keep on Rockin' In the Free World" and "(What's So Funny) About Peace, Love and Understanding" and by then my fingers had thawed so I was able to play pretty well after that. Vinh played really well tonight. As Mark put it, "We peaked tonight, man! We timed it pefectly!"

We planned a end-of-set jam of a 12 bar blues thing-a-ma-bob with the idea that people in the audience who had expressed an interest in playing could do that with no need to "learn a song." Apparently we scored major points since one guy was a BIG customer of ours. Even though he sucked he jammed for 10 minutes or so. The drummer was a jazz drummer, so the concept of locking on a simple 4/4 groove was alien to him. It was pretty interesting in the way a trainwreck is interesting. I was happy to go down to the bar and get a beer while that while thing was going on. We left Bob in charge on stage.

The next day the marketing folks thanked us for playing and then today positive comments were made in the all-hands meeting, so we're heroes.

We had the experience of playing in front of 100 people and they were entertained to a reasonable level, so everyone won that night.

Tuesday, October 8, 2002

The weekend was a decent success. We played at my neighbor's party and were a hit. The people seemd to like us and we all played pretty well. We were up there for 1 hour+ and were pretty wiped out after that. Sunday was my book release party and most all the key people made an appearance - Joe and Catherine (yay!), Teresa, Bob and family, Mark and Linda, Kay, Bret and Thomas and a bunch more.

We checked out the boat yesterday and I was quite disappointed. It's not set up for entertainment; there is no stage and the second deck is very cramped. We decided to set up on the top deck, outside and blast the volume. I predict we will blow a circuit breaker with the first notes.

After we get through this gig I will put a hold on the band thing and get my next two books written.

Sunday, September 29, 2002

Yesterday I had to wake up really early to meet Ed at his place in time to get to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation walk-a-thon in Balboa Park. I volunteered to work the registration tables. Ed has diabetes and has been voluneering a few days a week at the foundation. He asked me if I would be willing to help out so I said, "Sure!"

After it was over (about 10 AM) we called Jerry, his roommate and said, "Let's go have breakfast!" At breakfast we decided what we were doing the rest of the dy; I was going home to take a nap and run some errands and then I'd be back at Ed and Jerry's at 6:15 PM. Jerry wanted to go to Tijuana for dinner, since none of us had ever been to that city. I've only been to Tecate and Ensenada, and that was 16 years ago.

So, we drove down to the parking lot and walked across. It was an eerie feeling; I related my experience crossing into East Germany in 1988. It wasn't that oppressive but we all knew we were leaving the US, that's for sure. We walked through the turnstiles and then were accosted non-stop for the next 4 or 5 hours. We walked over to Avenue Revolucion, which is the downtown district and is where everyone goes. Constant "Cuban cigars, T-shirts!" and "Titty bar! Come on! No cover. You want to see girls?"

It seemed as though every "family restaurant" had a 2000 watt stereo system blasting rap and dance music (and this was only 7:30 or 8 PM). We found a quiet place down a set of stairs that turned out to be a Tijuana tradition. La Cafe Especial has been there for 50 years. Quiet, competent and the food was decent (not great, but there are no "great" restaurants in Tijuana, of that I am sure).

We walked along Avenue Revolucion from one end to the other and then headed back to the border. We were there at the "in between" time - there was no line to speak of. As we were walking across the street to get back to the car a group of kids passed us the other way. The snatch of conversation we heard went something like this: "(girl's name)!! You mean you have NO ID on you at ALL???" Ed, Jerry and I all stopped and looked at each other.

I said, "I vote we follow those girls all night and see what happenes when they try to get back across the border."

Ed said, "It would almost be worth it to put up that (stuff) again."

We all laughed, commented on how stupid some people are and decided to go back to the car anyway.

Sunday, September 22, 2002

A quick entry to say that we played at Bob's party last night. The people seemed to enjoy us a lot; Ed gave the cold hard truth later, but also had some good things to say, too.

So, we need to keep working and we'll be OK for the boat cruise.

Tuesday, September 17, 2002

I finalized my Rome trip plans the other day. I'll be gone from Oct 24 to Nov 3. I plan to use most of the time to research the next book, "Rome Explorations: Early Christian Rome."

I drove up to Lake Arrowhead two weekends ago (Sept 7) to see my friends perform 3 hours or so of Beatles music for a charity event. It was great time. I videoed about 30 minutes worth since that's all the battery power I had. I brought a friend and we had a great time, but now we are in a bad place emotionally. It may have been a mistake to go together, even though we had a blast at the time. We had a sad conversation last night and I am calling her again tonight to try impart some information and try to get this mess settled.

I nearly broke up the band the other day. I was unhappy with our level of skill and was not feelin' the love of playing for the Users' Conference in October. I was talked out of cancelling it, though, but am still dubious. I just like to play, I don't like to get on stage and "entertain" people. I hate that part. And also, Ed has decided he is not interested in playing with us full time, which was a blow to me since I gain quite a bit of confidence having him up there next to me.

And the NZIS has raised the "General Skills" category minimum score from 28 to 29, apparently as a means of reducing application backlog. As a result, even more applications poured in. I guess the panic factor kicked in. The NZIS seems to be wiling to make it harder and harder for skilled people to get in. Oh well, maybe it was a bad idea after all.

Friday, August 30, 2002

I haven't posted in a while, I know, and though I'd like to say it is because I am completely overwhelmed with work or fun or sex or whatever, I'm not. I've just been "not in the mood." But maybe this will make up for a few things.

First, let's talk about Provence. I was planning to go to Provence with two friends in the end of September, but that fell through. I don't really know why and I can't really get an answer out of the two of them, so I am still a little miffed about that. I could go by myself, but I wanted to rent a car and explore the small, difficult-to-access hilltowns in the region. If I go by myself I will have to either rent a car with no one to share expenses with or use the trains and buses, which is not as flexible nor as prone to exploration. I believe instead now I will go to Rome for a week or so, research my next book and see my friends.

Further complicating this scheme is that the band has a Big Gig in mid-October. We have been asked to play at the company's User Conference, an annual "Get the Customers Together and Teach Them Stuff About What They Bought" thing. It's two days long and the evening of the first day is devoted to a harbor cruise with "entertainment." We're the "entertainment" this year. We've been working on new songs and have modified lyrics to some of them to be in tune with the gathering. We think it's funny; I guess the audience will be the final judge. We'll be a 5 piece; Myself, Vinh, Mark, Bob and Ed. We hav already had requests for audience members to jam with us, so it could get extremely out of control.

As I was driving in to work the other day, the radio DJ announced he had a pair of tickets for Amy Mann available. I called in immediately and won! So, I went to the Belly Up Tavern in Solana Beach a week ago Tuesday to see her. It was a good show. Amy is not the most dynamic performer (and she looks quite uncomfortable up there, really), but the band was good and the crowd was into it so she played well and put on a good show.

Some friends of mine have come together for a "Beatles Singalong" night in Lake Arrowhead next weekend. I am looking forward to attending this; it should be really really great.

I guess the big news is that the Ancient Rome book is now ready to go. I finally finished it, and even though there were some niggling little technical problems, including a frontispiece photo that ended up being way more jaggy than it should be, I authorized it anyway. Enough is enough. It's editorially correct and so we're gonna run with it! I will do a second edition of it along with the first edition of the Early Christian Rome book early next year. I'll try to get up to speed on Quark Xpress too, so I don't need to hassle with Word anymore. I spammed all of my friends and few mere aquaintances with the news last night, so we'll see what happens. I updated the World Weary Traveler website to include the now-active web store link.

As far as NZ emigration is concerned, I received my evaluation report from the immigration liason service I had contacted. I provided them with some information about myself and my situation and they evaluated my qualifications. It turns out I scored 27 points out of a currently necessary 28. This is enough to allow me to immigrate on an "I'll find work when I get there" visa. I gained 2 points by virtue of claiming I'd bring $US100 000 with me. Were I to have a job offer in my field I'd gain 8 points. Were I to have a job offer of any kind, I'd gain 2 points. So, basically, if I wanted to immigrate tomorrow I could. Interesting... I need to visit the country before I make any more decisions, and I can't really do that until early next year because of the America's Cup competition being held there November-January. And, I'd like a particular friend to come along with me, which can't happen right now, either, so, Febuary or March of next year, then.

Friday, August 2, 2002

Haven't posted in a while.

I've been thinking about emigrating to New Zealand. I've even begun the process by filling out an unofficial evaluation form. It's an interesting idea, but man, NZ is a long way away from everywhere else.

I took the motorbike in for a long-delayed and much-needed service two weekends ago and it came back a totally different and great-running machine. It's a lot of fun to ride around on it. Maybe I don't need a new bike after all. Along those lines, I've been pondering a new car. I initially was considering a restored mid-60's Jaguar XKE, but I think those are out of my range. So, maybe a relateively recent used European sedan, now. Maybe even a Jaguar, but probably an Audi or maybe an MB or a BMW.

I've been playing a lot lately, too, which is fun and gratifying. We now have a gig on the harbor cruise boat the company rents out for the annual Users Conference. So, we'll see how that goes.

Finally, vacation is up in the air. I am not sure what I will be doing. I was planning on Provence but I suspect the people I was to go with will back out. In that case I might vacation in New Zealand. I'll know more in about a week.

Monday, July 8, 2002

I have had a very busy 6 days.

Tuesday, July 2, I was at 4th and B for Neil Finn, who was fantastic. A great show; the band was great and he was in a great, happy mood. Easily the best show I've seen him do (I've seen him 5 or 6 times).

Wednesday I came home and worked out. There is a new 24 Fitness Sport Club near me on Mission Blvd, so I don't have to go to Escondido any more. I saw it the other day but didn't go in it. My workout was at the crappy fitness club at El Camino Real and Vista Wy.

Thursday was July 4 and I went to Ed and Jerry's place. We had a good time, but the girls brought WAY too much food. It was obscene how much food they brought, and lot of it was desserts, which neither Jerry, Ed nor I wanted to eat. They brought all this crap and they didn't eat it either. We could see 3 different fireworks shows from the house; Sea World, Coronado and PB.

Friday I went to the Gypsy Den in Santa Ana for a "Songwriter's Roundabout" which is a show Joe does once a month or so to feature song writers. They play a few songs and he interviews them about their work and the creative process. It has the potential to be interesting but most of the guests aren't very articulate. They answer questions with "Yes" or "No" or "I don't know" type answers.

Saturday I was in Long Beach because Neil Finn was at a small record store playing a few songs and signing autographs. Unfortunately I didn't get anything signed because he had to leave before the line was finished. I was two people away from him when he had to leave. I shook his hand as he was leaving, though. I was disappointed.

Sunday I went over to Ed and Jerry's. We had lunch at a Mexican place, went over to a coffee house and then later we had dinner and watched a movie. We ended up talking about a lot of stuff. I now consider Jerry a friend, too, so we were burning (friendly insults) each other almost constantly, too, which was pretty funny.

Tonight I will finish up some chores, such as organizing the office and finishing my laundry and then I'll watch Tour de France at 9 PM.

Tuesday, July 2, 2002

Neil Finn tonight at 4th and B. Should be a good show. I am still waiting for stauts from my publisher vis=-a-vis the book. Maybe I'll know more next week. I'm getting anxious.

Monday, July 1, 2002

So, I had to suffer through another "party" gig yesterday. My drummer, Vinh, had a block party and the the organizer/neighbor wanted us to play. We were not prepared to play, since whenever we get together to goof on our instruments we are really just solving a puzzle - "How does this song go?"

We don't rehearse with a goal in mind, and in fact I play very little in between times when we do play. As a result I am not really prepared to sing a lot, have lyrics memorized, play the various intricacies the songs may require, you know, things like that. I have improved immenselyin the last year but I am nowhere near being able to just "wing it." But Vinh was nervous or something and didnt play his best and since we are the foundation of the band the band sounded kinda bad. I was embarrassed and decided to cut the set list short.

It was also a debacle in that at one point, while I was inside the house, the cops showed up because someone had complained about rock music (we had been warming up and goofing around a little bit, which actually sounded better than the actual "real" playing). So, Vinh turned the volume down. I went from in one moment having a nice loud, energetic sound to a wimpy one. And it struck me either really lame or pretty ironic that the band, consisting of giuys whose combined income was WELL over $500K a year (more like $750K, since my friend Ed was filling in for one of my regular guitarists) and here we are getting busted by the cops for playing at a party. In a $500K house, owned by the drummer.

Later my actions were misinterpreted by Ed, who told me the only way to get over my performance anxiety was to play in front of people and take my lumps. But, that wasn't the problem; I have no fear of performance; I have faced audiences of upwards of 200 people for presentations in the past. But, I was prepared, which is where the problem comes in for me with thie "let's play live" thing.

Ed wants to put together some sort of acoustic trio (Ed, Mark who is my "lead" guitarist and I) with an eye towards playing Sunday afternoon beach bar rave up type stuff. His concept is we'd all switch around between guitars, bass, and some percussion set and we'd all sing. It's OK with me; I'd like to do that.

Wednesday, June 19, 2002

I took the train today and was treated with a great evening ride home. The fog had halfway come in and the sun was shining through the cloud breaks, turning the ocean into alternate patches of turquoise and gray. Quite beautiful.

I was happy to be on the train enjoying it and happy to be here to enjoy it.

Saturday, June 8, 2002

I Am A Criminal Suspect (Apparently)

I went shopping at a local nation-wide chain of computer stores today and was treated like a shoplifter because I walked out of the store after buying something.

I went shopping for some computer stuff today at a computer store. I don't usually go to this store but I was out and it was on my way back home. I found the time I needed and paid for it at the register. I was th eonly person at th register at the time. After completing the transaction I walked out f the exit. i was stopped by an employee who wanted to see my receipt. I asked him why. His response was, "Because that's what the sign says and it's my job."

We exchanged words and eventually I allowed him to examine my purchase and "let" me go.

I was torn - I needed this particular piece of equipment to get back online, but I wanted to go home and do my other chores (which I have been neglecting the last few weekends). I could have simply said, "Well, since you are treating me like a shoplifter I will return this item right now. You'll lose this sale and every potential sale in the future, too. Or you can assume I legitimately purchased this item and allow me to exit unharassed, just as almost every other store I've ever been in does." If the answer was "return it" then I would have had to drive down to the Apple store 30 miles away to buy a modem.

Guitar Center pulled this crap on me the last time I went there. I refused to allow him to look at my stuff and walked away. So, I now only go to local music stores for equipment and accessory purchases.

I'll not give this chain my business in the future, but I wish I had been able to make a freer (or maybe "more equal") choice this afternoon. I'll have to locate a store that stocks Apple products and use it from now on.
Ceiling Saga

I decided a few weeks ago to scrape the acoustic covering on the ceilings in my house. All of it. So, I called a few people and ended up picking a guy that someone else in the neighborhood had used.

We started off badly; he was supposed to start on Monday but didn't show up until Tuesday and then only worked a short time putting up plastic sheeting in the two unused bedrooms.

On Wednesday he did more; he scraped the master suite and the dining room.

On Thursday I came home to a complete trinawreck; the entire house was off-limits; every room had been blocked off with plastic sheeting, and the rooms were covered with scraped off stuff. I was a littl emad; I could barely get into the kitchen and the master suite. Both cats were outside and while Figaro responded almost immediately to my calls Aida wither ignored me or was too far away to hear. I did the best I could getting to bed and in the morning I called Anthony and told him he had to give me my house back for the weekend (since originally he was supposed to be done on Friday).

When I came home on Friday afternoon (I left work early), his crew was cleaning up. They had skip troweled every room except the two bedrooms upstairs and the entry hall (which is the two-story high ceiling and a difficult job, no doubt) and had removed all the plastic everywhere. I was very happy.

They will finish the skip troweling on Monday and prime and paint on Tuesday and Wednesday.

He mentioned that apparently at one time my master suite bathroom flooded beacause the dining room ceiling had been damaged and extensively repaired. He thought they had done a good job, though. He also told me he thought the original builder had done a decent job on the ceilings to begin with.

So, with a little luck I'll have scraped, troweled and painted ceilings on Wednesday.

Sunday, June 2, 2002

Birthday Party

I have some really great friends. I have some really great neighbors, too.

I threw a party for everyone yesterday and it was a lot of fun. I bought a bunch of beer, wine, a bottle of tequila and food. The food was eaten pretty quickly, which was great.

The band played but I was very dissatisfied with my own playing. The first songs were rough from a playing standpoint for me since my fingers were cold and stiff. I was nervous and a little buzzed, too. Basically I couldn't play for shit. The vocals sounded pretty decent, though, apparently.

I'll do some basic clean up htismorning and then head down to PB for the rSan Diego Rock and Roll Marathon with Ed and Jerry. Maybe I'll bring them some chicken.

Saturday, May 25, 2002

Sprinklers. Part III

I decided today that it was too much work to pull a whole new cable through the conduit, so I cleaned up the crappy connections as best I could and rewired new solenoids.

One valve is very picky (I htikn it is not working right). it doesn't like the new solenoid at all; it stays on even with no voltage applied to it. So, I used a reasonably good old one and it's happy. I made a big silicone sealer ball around the splices and will rebury them tomorrow.

Another thing I've learned is that it is bad system design to have a majority of the distribution pipes higher than the valve they are attached to; most of system 7 is 3 or 4 feet above the valve height and so when it gets turned off the backflow struggles against the pressure. That's why there's so much water there; it dribbles out of the backflow valve for a few minutes. I might want to install an in-line valve on the slope and let that valve's backflow handle the majority of the pressure.

What do you think?


Sunday, May 19, 2002

Sprinklers, Part II.

I went back to basics this morning. I checked the individual voltage levels on all 5 signal wires at the point where the cable comes out of the ground. The controler has individual circuit switches for off/on control; in theory, there should be no voltage on any other wire if the corresponding switch is off. Well, I was detecting a lot of "stray" voltage on supposedly off circuits when I powered each one on (one in particular).

So, now I know why circuits 7 and 8 always come on together. But, what is the root cause? I am now very curious because while I was digging up the dirt yesterday I came across a broken piece of plastic conduit with some Romax in it.

I spied a junction box on the side of the garage that looked suspicious, so I opened it and sure enough, there was a run of sprinkler cable and some Romax. Back over to the valve "farm" and a little digging with the trowel - bingo! The cable is coming out of the broken conduit. Well, that's not so great because of the water getting in there, but at least I know the answer now. But, wait! There's more! Turns out the sprinkler cable was cut off by whoever cut the conduit. There is a 3 foot piece of matching cable spliced into the long cable run. But the wires are bare. No wire nutes, no protection from the water or the dirt. Bare conections. Well, no wonder the voltage was leaking! So, now I have to decide if I want to run a new cable from the j-box and repair the conduit to something a little more environment-resistant or not. I want to do it right.

Good thing Memorial Day Weekend is coming.

Saturday, May 18, 2002

I've spent the day wrestling with my sprinkler system. I have a timer-controlled system that in general is very good. It has 8 different circuits; 3 in the front and 5 in the back. The 5 in the back are all in one group along the back side of th house; reasonably easy to get to.

They've been in there for a while, though, and I am now having to replace backflow vales and control solenoids. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get official "Richdel" (the anufacturer of the sprinler valves) replacement parts - I end up buying "generic" solenoids from Home Depot. They are the same form factor but the mechanical interface to the valvel body internals are slightly different.

I had some problems today replacing a couple of solenoids and backflows. The wiring is getting a little weak; the PVC covering on the solenoid wires is soft and puffy. Add the fact that the grease cups the wire nuts are in are breaking down and this means the solenoids don't fire when the voltage is put to them.

So I was trying to replace solenoids by simply removing and replacing, but it wasn't working. I finally dug out the wiring harness and wrote down all the circuit wire colors and I'l re-wire the whole mess tomorow. Fresh wire, fresh grease cups, a whle set of solenoids. Should be fine.

Also, the cats have taken to their cat beds finally; they were both in theirs this afternoon when I came up there to see what they were up to. Eventually Fig stretched out and was laying on the carpet with his rear legs still inside the bed. Very funny.

Sunday, May 12, 2002

I have had reason to think about my mortality again recently.

I ride a motorcycle to work a few days a week. One's perspective on the world is different when the only thing between you and the pavement is a leather jacket and a fiberglass helmet. One day last week I rode onto the freeway on-ramp using the car pool lane. The metering lights were on; I could see the reds and greens from the other two lanes' metering lights for the single-occupancy vehicles. The red light in the car pool lane metering light was inoperative, but the green light worked. I rolled up, waited for the green and took off.

The next day I drove the car and had to use the single-occupancy lane immediately next to the carpool lane. The carpool red metering light was still inop. Much to my amazement and then creeping horro, a huge delivery truck came barreling down the carpool lane and blew through the light - as if it was not an inop red but was in fact not metering at all. Mind you, there were 5 or 6 cars in the single-occupancy lanes whose lights were working and being obeyed by the various cars in the lanes. So, obviously this guy was of limited intelligence; he was unable to decide that maybe he should assume the light is burned out and to stop and wait for his metering green light.

If this guy had been behind me the day before, I would have been a hood ornament. Not injured, dead. Period. I broke my own rule about cell phones it he car and immediately called the highway department to report it and tell them why i was upset about it. They had the bulb changed Monday (I reported it at 4:45 PM on a Friday, so I consider that a pretty good response).

This weekend I was driving on the interstate and witnessed a car spin out and bounce off the center divider It then bounced back into the traffic lane perpendicular to the lane itself. The chaos of the car spinning out of control and the dust and smoke from tires created a 0 meter visibility area for 20 meters or so around the car. The traffic was heavy to begin with, so there was no doubt an ensuing set of collisions due to this person's mishap. I was on the opposite side of the freeway, so I was not effected, but I was shook up because IF I had been on that side and involved with that guy when he went out of control I may not have been able to respond quickly enough. At the speeds we all normally drive on that freeway stretch, my reaction time would have eaten quite a bit of my available manuvering space.

I again broke my rule and dialed 911. I was put on hold for over 5 minutes before I hung up in disgust and no one from the California Highway Patrol 911 office ever called me back. I have no doubt that other people were calling in the accident, but the fact that I was put on hold for more than a few seconds was galling, to say the least and for 5 minutes was inexcusable.

Monday, May 6, 2002

So, ejp and Jerry have relocated to La Jolla. I went down there Saturday night to see what's up. I got there about 7:15 PM. They were still unpacking and assembling IKEA furniture they'd bought that day. I hung out, saw the place (nice ocean view) and then we went to dinner with some other folks.

I commented to ejp that he manages to score aces every time he moves. Usually you have to move once or twice before you figure out where the right place is; he and Jerry nailed thisonethe first time out.

Received an out-of-the-blue email from someone I knew in high school so we've traded a few emails back and forth. A little weird at first but it's cool.

Went to the Gypsy Den in Santa Ana on Friday night to expereince the fist of a series of "Songwriters Roundtable" episodes. Joe was MCing and had another musician friend appear with him. It was not as strong a showing as I was hoping for but there was enough good moments that he'll do at least one more.

Sunday, April 21, 2002

The last few weekends have been very fun. I've hung out with a Swedish friend who was in Costa Mesa for training for his new job in Stockholm. I have played with the band two Fridays in a row. I went to Joe and Catherine's for their housewarming party. I had Jeff and Ginny visit me and then I drove up to Santa Ana for Trainwreck Theatre, too.

Today I went to IKEA and bought a bunch of stuff for the kitchen; new flatware, new glassware and some candles and stuff. Not too expensive, either. After that I went to Home Depot and had two quarts of paint mixed up to experiment with the next room on the list; the family/entertainment room.

I have been watching my Neil Finn "Seven Worlds Collide" DVD a lot; I'm glad they don't wear out with each playing. :-)

Pre-announcement; Party at my place June 1.

Thursday, April 11, 2002

Las Vegas Trip

I spent Monday and Tuesday in Las Vegas for a trade show (National Association of Broadcasters).

I hate Las Vegas. It's nothing but a smokey, noisy, tacky town.

We went to meet with some vendors and try to get an idea of what is out there for video on demand, satellite return channel and hard drive products. I wole up at about 4:30 AM Monday morning, drove to the airport, got on the plane, flew to Vegas and went to the convention center. We had dinner with who we hope are our future customer for Pegasus at the fake Italian restaurant Caneletto's in the fake Venice (The Venetian Hotel) on the fake Piazza San Marco (or as it it is called there, "St Mark's Square").

I walked on the Strip for an hour or so afterwards and then went back to the hotel. We were staying at Pirates of the Caribbean, aka Treasure Island. It was not a great hotel. Nothing "special" about it except for the every 90 minute pirate battle on the set at the front of the hotel.

Tuesday was more of the same. I was really tired and was very grateful to get on the airplane and then get home.

Saturday, March 30, 2002

The Scooters at the Casbah, San Diego, CA

The Scooters are a Welsh quintet who have great harmony-laden songs in a Beatles and Crowded House vein.

I discovered them about 18 months ago at CDBaby. I had done a "sounds like" search for The Beatles and Crowded House and they were one of the results. Their first CD, "Peepshow," includes two hidden tracks; one a cover of "Rocky Racoon" and the other a cover of Neil Finn's "Throw Your Arms Around Me."

I liked these guys so much I signed up for their mailing list.

I received an email notice the other reminding day me of their gig at a hole-in-the-wall club called "The Casbah," a place near the San Diego Airport. It's a typical dive bar, but it's the best dive bar I've ever been in. My friend and lead guitarist Mark and my friend Natacha and I went. We arrived about 9:30 PM and caught the last part of the first of four bands. The Scooters weren't scheduled to play until midnight. Oof.

I had brought my copy of "Peepshow" with me in order to secure autographs, because, well, I just thought it would be fun to get them. I decided to look for the band members, since I figured finding a few pale-faced Welsh lads in the land of surf, sunshine and permanent tans shouldn't be too hard. It wasn't. I saw two likely looking blokes sitting at a corner table outside smoking and drinking beer.

I walked up to them and said, "Hi... are you...?" and whipped out my "Peepshow" CD.

"Wha...!!!" they exclaimed. "Yeah, that's us!" I had found Simon, the keyboardist and Chris, one of the lead singer-guitarists. "Where'd you get that?!?!" they asked excitedly.

"CDBaby. I did a 'sounds like' search for Beatles and Crowded House and you guys popped right up at the top, so I bought it."

"When was that?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe 18 months ago." They nodded at me and looked at each other. "CDBaby..." Simon said to Chris.

I asked them to autograph it and they were really happy to. We talked about the album (they told me it was just a collection of demos they'd done and finally released as a record), about the tour a little (I mentioned I'd read about their epic snowstorm voyage from Mineapolis to Missoula, MT.) and some other stuff. Simon ran off to get me a copy of their new album, which they also signed. They also found Tim, the drummer. The two other guys were asleep in the van.

Eventually the other two guys woke up and Simon came into the club to get me. I went out and met Tony and Bob and they signed as well. I rehashed the CDBaby story with them. It was fun to see these guys come alive with the idea that there was someone there to see THEM at a show so far from home.

They played a great set - the vocals sounded spot-on and the playing was tight as well. The crowd had shrink in population by the time they got on stage but the folks that were there were definitely impressed, as was Mark and Natacha.

I had told them that I'd hang out as long as I could but I might have to leave before they were finished. I also told them I'd say "Bye" before I left. Towards the end of the show Chris asked on mike, "Is Alan still here?" I responded with a "Yes" and he dedicated two songs to me, which was nice of him. Natacha gave me a hard time about that. "Oh, two songs, eh?"

I thanked them all after they had finished and drove home as fast as I could. I got home at about 2 AM Friday morning, but I was glad I went and super-glad I stayed for the whole set. I hope they are able to break out to some level of recognition and success; I'd like to hear more of their music in the future.

Here are the autographed inserts:


I Can See Your House From Here

Thursday, March 21, 2002

Midnight Oil at "4th and B" in San Diego

I saw Midnight Oil at a small hall/large club called "4th and B" last night. The last time I'd seen them was 14 years ago, during their "Diesel and Dust" tour. They've not toured North America in 10 years. It was fun to see them. They've grayed a bit, of course and the energy level was not quite as high as it was waaay back then, but it was enjoyable in a different way.

Last time Peter Garrett, the singer, was very vocal and up front about his opinions of the state of the US at the time. It was a month before the 1988 election, so I guess it was on his mind. This time, with maturity and mellowing (and probably a little cash, too) he was actually funny, not annoynig with his declarations. He mentioned the current President Bush, but made some sarcastically funny comments.

After back-announcing a song as "Good to ride a clean wave on, eh?" he said, "Now, I hear that President Bush is not strong on the environment. How can that be, with his background and contacts!"

We got a chuckle out of it.

They played all the famous songs and a bunch of stuff fromthe new album. The bass player, Bones Hillman, was working as hard as Peter, as was Rob Hirst, the drummer. In a concession to their graying audience, the volume was not too bad and they started at 9:00 PM and were finished with the encores at 11:00 PM. I was back home by midnight.

Not a bad show for $24 + $10 parking plus $8 for a beer and a Diet Coke.

Wednesday, March 13, 2002

Neil Finn at the Coachhouse in San Juan Capistrano

I received a phone call from Joe yesterday morning. He had a ticket for Neil Finn available. I immediately said "Yes!"

It was a great show; the band was the best he's ever had, I'd say. Wendy Melvoin was one of his guitarists.

And even though the Coachhouse sucks as far as a venue and service, it was well worth it to see neil and revel in his art.

Thursday, March 7, 2002

I *am* somebody!!

Finally, oh, finally I receive the coveted "Nigerian Funds Transfer Scam" email! Oh joy! Oh la oh lay! I also got a SirCam virus email today. Is SirCam STILL around? (I guess so)











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Wednesday, February 20, 2002

This is an email that dropped into my In Box yesterday. I shit you not.


Folgende Angaben wurden im Web-Formular gemacht. Die Anfrage erfolgte durch:

Frank Young ( am Mittwoch, 20. Februar, 2002 at 02:11:21


message: If you are a time traveler or alien disguised as human and or have the technology to travel physically through time I need your help!

My life has been severely tampered with and cursed!!

I have suffered tremendously and am now dying!

I need to be able to:

Travel back in time.

Rewind my life including my age back to 4.

Be able to remember what I know now so that I can prevent my life from being tampered with again after I go back.

I am in very great danger and need this immediately!

I am aware that there are many types of time travel, and that humans do not do well through certain types.

I need as close to temporal reversion as possible, as safely as possible. To be able to rewind the hands of time in such a way that the universe of now will cease to exist.

I know that there are some very powerful people out there with alien or government equipment capable of doing just that.

If you can help me I will pay for your teleport or trip down here, Along with hotel stay, food and all expenses. I will pay top dollar for the equipment. Proof must be provided.

Please be advised that any temporal device that you may employ must account for X, Y, and Z coordinates as well as the temporal location.

I have a time machine now, but it has limited abilitys and is useless without a vortex. If you can provide information on how to create vortex generator or

where I can get some of the blue glowing moon crystals this would also be helpful.

I am aware of two types of time travel one in physical form and the other in energy form where a snapshot of your brain is taken using either the dimensional warp or an

electronic device and then sends your consciousness back through time to part with your younger self. Please explain how safe and what your method involves.

Also if you are one of the very, very, few beings with the ability to edit the universe PLEASE REPLY!

Only if you have this technology and can help me exactly as mentioned please send me a (SEPARATE) email to:

Please do not reply if your an evil alien!



Should I reply?

Sunday, February 17, 2002

Had a really good weekend. Worked out with Natacha Friday night for 2 hours+. Now I'm sore and she wants to work out again tomorrow. Hmmm... what to do? Saturday night I met Ed with two of his friends and we had dinner and hung out in La Jolla Village. Today Ed came up and he, Natacha and I went out to Anza Borrego and did a little hiking. It was mostly driving but we spent a lot of time talking and hanging out so it was worth it, I think.

Sunday, February 10, 2002

So, I am a big mess (you are all saying, "Yes, so what else is new?"). No, I mean I am a big mess health-wise.

I was sick all week with a cold/minor flu. I have kicked the flu part and no longer have much of a cold either, but the infection is now deeper in my chest and has infected my right ear tube. For some reason, every once in a while I get an ear infection but it's ALWAYS in my right ear. I woke up last night from the pain. I fumbled around my cabinet and found some antibiotics I had from last year when I had my strep throat, so that seems to be under control now.

The heat and dryness the last two days isn't helping, either, so I bought a humidifier today. Hopefully that will help. Tomorrow I have an appointment with my podiatrist to assess the progress on my left foot. I'll ask him to give me prescription for something if it's still bad.

The kicker with this is that if I lay down for a while, my chest fills with fluid and I start coughing. If I then go take a hot shower it clears and I feel OK. It makes sleep a challenge. I have to sleep like the Elephant Man - propped up.

I worked on the sprinkler system yesterday and I fixed a bunch of problems with the various subsystems. I have three different types of sprinklers; the micro guys and two types of big ones. They are pretty hefty and nicely modular (I can switch spray heads with ease and adjust them without tools), but the two systems aren't cross compatible.

I rode the motorbike over to the mission (san Luis Rey) this afternoon to 1) get out of the house 2) ride the motorbike and 3) to see what's up over there. I didn't go inside, though. I'll save that for another day.

Sunday, February 3, 2002

I drove into Huntington Beach last night to emcee my Mom's fundraiser at St Wilfrid's. I was in charge of the raffle and the live auction. It was a fun time and we raised almost $1500.

Mom has a ong way to go, though, before she can buy the big 10 foot Steinway she wants for hte church, and she isn't getting a lot of support from the powers-that-be apparently. The church has already collected the necessary funds to buy a smaller piano, which will be the main church piano until Mom can get the big one.

Anyway, I yucked it up with the audience and my family and we did pretty good ultimately.

Sunday, January 27, 2002

My friends Kay and Brett came over today for a few hours and brought their new little guy Thomas along. He's a very good little boy; he sat in his high chair at the restaurant and ate his food and munched on his Cheerios. It was quite fun; I showed them the house and the neighborhood. We went down to the pier and then drove into Carlsbad and then back home.

About an hour after they left I heard my doorbell ring; it was three of the neighborhood girls. One of them piped up, "We want to make some money. Do you have something for us to do?"

I thought about it and decided to let them weed the rose bed and the other flower beds and rake the leaves in the front. I told them I'd pay them $5 to do the work. Since they were wearing their roller skates I told them to go home and put their shoes on and come back. When they returned I had laid out the tools and the trash can and they went to work.

Jenny, Rhonda and Wes' kid asked me, "Are you paying each of us $5?"

"No, you will share it, but to make it easier I will pay you $6, so each of you gets $2."

They were pretty excited about that. I went inside to get my jacket and when I came back Katy had joined the crew but was just standing around. "Katy, are you working or watching?" "I'm working." So now I had 4 kids at $2 a piece. Hmmm... this is getting expensive.

So I found another rake and told her to rake the leaves from under the bushes.

Rhonda came over and told me I was overpaying.

"Do you know what my hourly rate is?" I responded. She just laughed. I told her I was already $22 poorer because I bought two things for the Christa MacAuliff School music department fundraiser (2 $11 frozen pizzas) from Lea Ann.

She complimented me on my roses and I told her it was all due to my Mom, I had nothing to do with it. Then I asked her, "OK who are these kids? I know Katy and Jenny but who are the other two?"

When the kids were done they came in to wash their hands and get paid. I had four piles of money and I explained to them that each pile was the same value, but in different kinds of money. I had two piles of 2 $1 notes and two piles of 1 dollar coin and 4 quarters. The older kids took the notes and the younger kids took the coins. "Oh, wow, Sacajawea!"

So, 30 minutes later I had all my weeds pulled and the leaves raked. And now the kids know I'm a soft touch.

Sunday, January 13, 2002

The saga is finished. The cleaners doesn't have my shirt (which I knew - Vons I'm sure lost it, not them.). So, I got some $ from them.

The reframed prints came back from the framers and look great.

I bought a nice Chinese room screen yesterday and put it in my room. I managed to put a slight ding in it getting it in the house. *Sigh* I suppose I should accept the fact that I am not meant to have nice things. My cleaning ladies put a big ding in my bed's foot board about a month after I bought the thing. I also bought a cheap monk print. It was only $90 and I am not sure it's worth even that, but it was in the back room of the store, not even being displayed. It had one of those bright orange circle-shaped stickers on it with the price of $89. So, I bought it just to have something else to put on the wall.

I found a site on line that sells erotic Japanese prints but they are in Venice, Italy, so I want to do more research before I put out a couple hundred dollars for two of them.

Thursday, January 10, 2002

Losing a shirt at the corporate dry cleaners is all a part of life's rich pageant.

So, I was just on the phone with the consumer relations rep for the dry cleaners. Turns out the letter was sent in error - the cleaners had not in fact found my shirt and returned it to the store, which explains why it wasn't there, I suppose. So now they are going to look for it, since they were looking for the wrong thing first because they didn't have a proper description and then they stopped looking because the Vons told them I'd found the shirt.

She offered me up $100 credit for dry cleaning at the store, but I told her that wasn't as valuable to me as either a) getting the shirt back or b) getting a check for $80 (which is the value of the shirt or at least close to it.). What I didn't tell her is why it's not as valuable; I have no plans to ever use that Vons for anything ever again, but I want to resolve this situation before I guillotine them. It's convenient to go to as a stop after work, but it's a pain, too, since El Camino Real and Hwy 78 is such a messed up interchange.

In other news, the two authentic vintage Japanese block prints I took into the poster shop to be matted and framed came back yesterday. They messed that up, too. I wanted both framed prints to have identical outer dimensions, but the framer cut the frame and mats for the smaller (the three elegant ladies) one incorrectly and so it ended up being shorter than the other one (the samurai). So, those have to go back to be redone (for free, of course).

Sigh... I don't feel bad about it since I was very clear about my desires; I let the gal write it up the way she wanted to and it was misinterpreted at the shop. I have to say, though, that they look great!

Friday, January 4, 2002

Well, I guess I claimed victory too soon. I went to the dry cleaners tonight and showed them the letter. They didn't have my shirt and the bitch behind the counter actually said to me, "Didn't you go home and find this in your closet?"

"No, but that's what you had hoped would happen. Why would they send this letter to me if they didn't find my shirt in their facility?"

I guess I broke my own rule in this instance: never assume intelligence, let me be surprised.

I get to go back tomorrow and find out what happened.

Thursday, January 3, 2002

I have been declared the victor in my (dormant) battle with the dry cleaners. Last month I was polite but insistent that they had lost a shirt (a nice silk one, too). They insisted their tracking process indicated they'd only collected 3 shirts and 1 pants from me even though I knew they'd collected 4 shirts. They retrieved the original work order that said, "3 shirts, 1 pants" so they thought that was it. I was annoyed but I couldn't prove anything.

When I came home tonight, the dry cleaners had sent me a letter apologizing to me since they had found my shirt and cleaned it and sent it back to Vons. They also gave me a $5 credit towards my next cleaning.

I had a nice laugh at that one.