Friday, June 2, 2006

Wow! Three Months!

I was reviewing my server logs tonight just to see what I could see about my visitor trafffic for May. As usual I have well over 2000 hits to the site and the vast majority are for Rome restaurants or aqueducts.

It's funny/frustrating also to see people leeching my images even though they are never doing it maliciously. Some guy linked to my St Peter's Square From the Top of teh Dome picture, another person linked to my St Chappelle interior shot.

Summer is here and the band is gigging regularly still; we have our big Band Camp thing on June 10. My brother and I decided to sell the Oceanside condo so we spent all of May getting it ready, with two weekends of long days getting it over the hump. It looks pretty good now so we are hopeful.