Saturday, May 25, 2002

Sprinklers. Part III

I decided today that it was too much work to pull a whole new cable through the conduit, so I cleaned up the crappy connections as best I could and rewired new solenoids.

One valve is very picky (I htikn it is not working right). it doesn't like the new solenoid at all; it stays on even with no voltage applied to it. So, I used a reasonably good old one and it's happy. I made a big silicone sealer ball around the splices and will rebury them tomorrow.

Another thing I've learned is that it is bad system design to have a majority of the distribution pipes higher than the valve they are attached to; most of system 7 is 3 or 4 feet above the valve height and so when it gets turned off the backflow struggles against the pressure. That's why there's so much water there; it dribbles out of the backflow valve for a few minutes. I might want to install an in-line valve on the slope and let that valve's backflow handle the majority of the pressure.

What do you think?


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