Sunday, January 13, 2002

The saga is finished. The cleaners doesn't have my shirt (which I knew - Vons I'm sure lost it, not them.). So, I got some $ from them.

The reframed prints came back from the framers and look great.

I bought a nice Chinese room screen yesterday and put it in my room. I managed to put a slight ding in it getting it in the house. *Sigh* I suppose I should accept the fact that I am not meant to have nice things. My cleaning ladies put a big ding in my bed's foot board about a month after I bought the thing. I also bought a cheap monk print. It was only $90 and I am not sure it's worth even that, but it was in the back room of the store, not even being displayed. It had one of those bright orange circle-shaped stickers on it with the price of $89. So, I bought it just to have something else to put on the wall.

I found a site on line that sells erotic Japanese prints but they are in Venice, Italy, so I want to do more research before I put out a couple hundred dollars for two of them.

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