Sunday, April 21, 2002

The last few weekends have been very fun. I've hung out with a Swedish friend who was in Costa Mesa for training for his new job in Stockholm. I have played with the band two Fridays in a row. I went to Joe and Catherine's for their housewarming party. I had Jeff and Ginny visit me and then I drove up to Santa Ana for Trainwreck Theatre, too.

Today I went to IKEA and bought a bunch of stuff for the kitchen; new flatware, new glassware and some candles and stuff. Not too expensive, either. After that I went to Home Depot and had two quarts of paint mixed up to experiment with the next room on the list; the family/entertainment room.

I have been watching my Neil Finn "Seven Worlds Collide" DVD a lot; I'm glad they don't wear out with each playing. :-)

Pre-announcement; Party at my place June 1.

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