Sunday, March 30, 2003


I did something new today, that combines gadget geekiness with map reading and hiking. It's called geocaching and is a modern version of the treasure hunt.

It requires a GPS receiver and information about the location of a geocache, which is usually a small weather-resistent plastic container filled with little knick-knacks and a log book. When you find the cache you open it, take a little trinket, leave one of your own and sign the log book. Then you hide it in the same location.

It's pretty fun and combines physical exercise with a little brain power, trying to use the GPS receiver to locate the geocache.

Today I hiked all over the Calaveras Hill area, which is south of 78 and a little east of College Blvd. The hill itself is a 20 million year old volcano plug and the view from the top today was great - I could see from the ocean all the way to Mt San Jacinto and the San Bernardino mountains.

I found 3 of the 4 geocaches I set out to look for; there are three or four others in the area I didn't even set out to find. is a good place to start.

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