Friday, November 1, 2002

Quick note from The Eternal City. It's raining cats and dogs today so I decided to catch up on my email and surf a little bit.

The hotel is OK. I have had some funny interchanges with the front desk guy that I will detail later, but siffice it to say he knows I am a travel book writer now and has an autographed copy of Ancient Rome. First edition, too, which is of course the most valuable. :-) There is a nice beer bar down the street about 50 meters that has a combo American/English/Irish feel to it and a similar menu. I go in there nearly every day.

I've been lugging the huge camera bag around every day, loaded with the SLR (with lenses, motordrive, big flash unit) the DV cam, the pocket 35 mm and the GPS receiver. Add a few cans of film, a few DV cassettes and the thing is a monster.

Had some fun nights with everyone, including a great pizza night with the old gang and a nice day with Bruna in Spoleto and a nice walk with Laura on the Appia Antica.

More later.


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